
  “Communication is not simply speaking. Communication begins with connection. When two people have a connection then there is communion…. And heart speaks to heart, communication happens and a community is born. A community is not a collection of bodies in the same space. A community is a collection of hearts speaking the same speech.” …. Ravi R. Iyer, MD   The domain of great speaking contains several vital capabilities that are intrinsic to the experience of life itself. First among these is CONNECTION. The second is IMAGINATION and the third is LANGUAGE and STORY as a representation of experience. These vital capacities are quintessential to the domain of being a healer. The annals of literature are filled with physicians as authors and storytellers. The very definition of being a physician is to be able to connect and care deeply about the stories of humanity. The act of caring requires that you be able to connect to the world of the individual enmeshed in the struggles of t
  The first TED event was conducted in Monterey, California on February 1984 as an idea of Richard Saul Wurman, an architect and designer and Harry Marks who conceived a convergence of ideas in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design. The 1980’s was time of tremendous ferment in the domain of representations of knowledge and reality. Companies like Lucas Films, Pixar, Apple, NEXT were creating and expanding technologies that were changing the landscape of how we created, represented, consumed, transmitted, and assimilated information and reality. Despite its prescient notions and star line-up of speakers, the event was a financial bust and a repeat event would not be attempted until 1990. The second attempt was successful, and the TED event became an annual affair in Monterey, California. The first TED events were open to an invitation-only audience and together with their high-ticket price rapidly acquired a cachet as an exclusive networking event for the Silicon Valley cog
  The first TED stage was not in February 1984. The first TED stage was probably the campfire of Homo erectus nearly 1 million years ago. I’m sure Christopher Anderson may have something to say about that. But in the darkness of that primitive night in the time of sabretooth cats our ancient ancestors huddled for safety and warmth around the campfires of the time and would communicate the saga of the day's events to each other. These were the first lecture halls and classrooms of our species and ideas and knowledge essential to survive the night and the oncoming dawn were transmitted by the fortunate few to the rest of the tribe. The cave drawings that emerged in the times of primitive man would become the first storyboards of humankind. The need for story and narrative to codify and capture experience to be transmitted from one individual to another is the essence of knowledge transfer. In essence, it ensured that one individual’s experience could serve as a template for the exp
  Ideas are simultaneously the most ephemeral and the single most powerful force in the world. At its birth, an idea is no more than a wisp of smoke. A mere spark of a few electrons hopping across a nanomolecular space between two neurons in a single brain. Of the millions of random thoughts that pass across the neural networks of our brains each day, 1 or 2 stand forth as an idea that captures our attention for a billionth of a second longer than the rest. In that infinitesimally longer lifespan that thought creates a ripple that is larger than the rest and crosses the threshold from a mere wish to a spoken thought. It becomes expressed in language. The crossing of an idea from a mere electrical ripple into the realm of spoken language is a seminal transformation and is the first necessary step to making that idea a manifest reality. But a TED-worthy Idea is more than most ideas. A TED-worthy Idea is more than a wish no matter how powerful or charismatic. It is more than a story of
  July 1 st , 2024   On July 1 st , 2024 I received an email from the selection committee of TEDx Gary Indiana State University NW informing me that I had been selected as the next TEDx speaker for their event on Oct 5 th , 2024 and if I accepted I would be giving the first TED talk of my life this fall. And so, began my road to the Red Dot. What is TED and why is it a big deal? TED stands for Theater-Entertainment-Design and was started in the 1970’s by a visionary journalist, Christopher Anderson who wanted to create a forum for the showcasing and transmission of transformative ideas. He called TED a place for the exchange of “Ideas Worth Sharing”. TED has now grown into an idea platform of immense proportions with a viewership of over 3 billion views per year. If you consider that there are only about 3500 TED talks available for viewing, you will understand that this means that the average TED talk is viewed just shy of 900,
 What is Empowerment? How Do You Live Powerfully? How do you empower a team or an organization? Even when all around them are collasing in chaos and confusion? This is how we did it... Living Empowered
  Eating the Elephant in 50 Bites: Part-1 PRODUCT OR SERVICE DEVELOPMENT Every project begins with an idea and the task of the leader is to manifest this idea into reality. Every project is elephantine in size and complexity and the task of every leader is to break it down into digestible bites. Those who do this successfully become the leaders, the champions, the lions of the jungle. Have an idea for a product or service. Not all ideas need to live. Not all ideas are great. Ask yourself is this idea great becauseit is clever, or does it make someone’s life(other than mine) better. Only those ideas will live that serve a real need and the greater the need that is served,the more likely that the idea will become real. 2. Develop your product/service. An idea is like a wisp of air... like a breath. Without a framework it will vanish like uncontained smoke. You need to build the architecture around the idea. Who does this idea serve? What does it serve? Why does it serve? How does it serv